Saturday, August 15, 2009

being sick's a bitch

i really hate how i have to complain that i have to stay home on the weekends, because i came down the flu and subsequently holed up at home for days. of course, it gets kind of depressing after a while.

today's feeling better, except that i'm still plagued with an incessant cough and not having enough sleep (hence always looking listless). the moment i woke up, i beckoned to mum that i want bread with fried eggs + ham + cheese. it's fucking good!

anyway, G.I Joe's da shitxz.............. NOT. it's just the movie title, the comfortable seat and its ending are what i love most.


happy birthday to these august babies! (whether it's advanced or belated):
yu ting, su ling, rena, rad and wei siang.

being an eoy baby like me sucks.


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