Sunday, October 25, 2009


fuck exams fuck stress fuck having to work my ass on maths fuck being low on cash fuck sleepless nights fuck blisters fuck greasy junk food that makes me fat fuck vaio and hotmail that take 2385729 years to load a webpage fuck grammar fuck that fucking retards from limbang mac fuck messy everything fuck everything else that has to be done at the last minute fuck horrendously chapped lip fuck that im dissatisfied with everything fuck those i've regretted doing fuck that i have noone to confide in fuck that noone will understand fuck that noone will understand without judging

just got back from overnight studying at mac with julia and aden. it's fucking 1218pm and imma gonna catch some sleep naoz.

it's leaving me to my riled emotion when the date for Opus concert has been brought forward, which means there's only little time left for practises. but i shan't complain, i get to play the flute again sooooon. :)


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